Welcome video in my online course
Using Adobe Premiere Pro, I edited this welcome video for my students in the Emory Continuing Education Digital Marketing program, which I deliver online via Canvas Instructure (LMS) and through weekly live classes. This video serves as the first point of contact after students register and are invited into the main program curriculum on the LMS. I sourced footage from various libraries and selected the soundtrack to maintain continuity across all program videos.
Workshop video edit
I occasionally run casual online workshops during the semester at Emory. These workshops often arise from my noticing a need to delve deeper into certain topics with specific students. For example, while teaching graphic design during the busy fall 2023 semester, the tightly scheduled courses left little room for more in-depth lessons. As a result, I organized weekend workshops for students interested in a deeper dive into the subject matter.
This "Workflow Workshop" was delivered over three hours during a weekend before the holidays, providing a break before returning in January. It is a very laid-back, off-the-cuff lecture format. I did not work from a script but followed an outline to ensure it felt very real, rather than course-like, as if they were in my office looking over my shoulder.
I took the raw footage and edited it down into four videos using Adobe Premiere Pro. I added background music and a few graphics. Normally, I would include this in their course section in Canvas LMS. To make it available here, I uploaded it to my Vimeo account and shared it with an embed.
I am including just the last video here. In the education studio section, I have all four videos plus some workshop materials (under Webinars and workshops).
MAD About Pets promo
In Adobe Premiere Pro, I developed and edited a 10-part series featuring my client with her furry charges for a promotional campaign for her pet sitting business. These are three samples from the series. I shot the raw footage with my Canon DSLR.

is a video I developed as a demo to illustrate evergreen content that can be used in a targeted campaign or an always-on marketing strategy. Originally designed in a 16:9 aspect ratio for wide screens, the footage for Wet was shot wide and then I converted it to a 9:16 aspect ratio in Adobe Premiere Pro.
Across America by Train

Across America by Train
  is an example of soft content (or soft media). While primarily used for entertainment or personal use, soft media can also serve as evergreen content for a campaign or ongoing marketing. This video was shot by me on my iPhone in a 9:16 aspect ratio (1080 x 1920px), making it well-sized for social media.

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